Blogs and Magazine Articles
This is the first Career Development Network Newsletter piece in my new column called Work in the World which will focus on how workers from around the globe build meaningful lives while navigating the 21st Century world-of-work.
Coping with Career Uncertainty in the Time of COVID-19 is my first blog post in CERIC’s Career Wise focusing on Canadian Career Development Professionals. This article suggests 2 questions career service professional might use to career plan in an age of uncertainty. The 2 questions can be found in my Uncenter Work to Recenter Life course through
Blog in CERIC CareerWise April 30, 2020
Scholarly Work Including Books, Chapters and Articles
International Practices of Career Services, Credentials, and Training is the first of its kind; an attempt to organize the training, credentialing, and practices of career professionals from across the globe. It is still offered "open source" CLICK HERE! or can be purchased as a “hard copy” through NCDA.
Advocating-workers-within-environment: A critical theory perspective for addressing career concerns presents a critical analysis of career theory and approaches before offering a model for adapting career practice so that it is more just for clients. Find the complete article HERE.
Using Information and Technology provides a psychological framework for understanding how different clients interact with technology and provides career interventions for each.
A Longitudinal Study of the Developmental Trajectories of Parental Attachment and Career Maturity of South Korean Adolescents tested the developmental trajectories of career maturity and parental attachment. Find the complete article HERE.
Academic Underachievement and Recovery: Student Perspectives on Effective Career Interventions examined the experiences of 9 ethnically diverse college students who had experienced and overcome academic failure. The results suggest that students are better able to cope with and overcome academic difficulties when they set clear career goals, use effective learning strategies, and receive external support.
Career Development Interventions in Schools provides an overview of developmentally appropriate career interventions for students in Grades K–12. A primary theme in this chapter is that career development interventions must help students prepare for the tasks they will encounter as adults.
The Influence of Perceived Poverty and Academic Achievement on School Counselor Conceptualization indicate that participants rated students as more attractive counseling participants when they are perceived as poor and/or strong academic performers. Find the full article HERE.
Career Decision-Making and College and Career Access Among Recent African Immigrant Students aims to address the unique career development needs, college and career access challenges faced by African immigrant students with an emphasis on high school students, and recommend strategic interventions for school counselors helping this population navigate career choice and determination. Implications for school counseling practice and research are addressed.